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Why would you want to work
with a life coach?

There are many reasons why you would want to grant yourself sessions with a life coach. It is quality time for yourself, it is maintenance of your emotional and mental well-being, it is an investment in your happiness and success, it is improving your life and your capabilities, it is realizing your desires and wishes, it is improving your performance. It can be any combination of all the above and more.


Why do we do maintenance and spend money on or our houses, our cars, or bicycles but not on our mental well-being? Why do we spend time and money on our bodies, food intake, clothes, holidays but not on a life coach? You deserve a good life coach because your well-being and your quality of life matters.


You deserve mental health and emotional fitness. I would even contend that mental health and emotional fitness is the fertile soil to grow a happy, content and successful life!

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